Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shopaholic : Kitchen Appliances

It is an undeniable fact that, I am a shopaholic. I LOVE to buy clothes, bags, shoes and blah blah blah. But recently I'm obsessed with all these awesomely cool kitchen appliances! The one below is the Singer Mini Cooker. I bought this before I went for university. I always used this to boil water but during last semester's finals, I started to use it to cook instant noodles because I got really lazy to go to the kitchen, take out the induction cooker, pot and etc just to fill up my stomach =3= I'm just not comfortable with the fact that my kettle is used to cook food. Imaging all the seasoning that you went into the water you boiled. But eventually I got over it @@ 

Today, I accidentally found out that the steaming tray and fork come along with the mini cooker. My friend JunYang was asking me the functions of this cooker and so I went to check out the box. When I saw "Steaming Pau" I was like what the... I'd humiliated this cooker by just using it for boiling water! How could I! I thought this cooker is not suitable for cooking hard-boiled eggs. As you know, you can't cook eggs directly from the fridge. You have to let it warm up to room temperature or else it will break in the pot. Steaming is different! I thought I can't steam food using this cooker. So, I purchased an Inayou Mini Rice Cooker for RM99 from MyDeal so that I can cook rice, porridge, and of course STEAM my eggs v^^v But when I found out that I can steam eggs with my Singer Mini Cooker, I regretted! T~T I haven't got my rice cooker though. But it wasn't that bad, at least I could cook porridge for myself when I am sick! Still very excited about my new rice cooker! Then I can finally return the pot and induction cooker to my sister since she has started working~

While yesterday while browsing on MyDeal, I saw this mini electric frying pan. I can fried eggs, sausages, and etc with this! It can be used to steam eggs too! BRAVO! I love eggs so much... T~T

Okay, now let me introduce you this Tefal Toast 'N' Eggs which is definitely on my wishlist! I'm so gonna buy this when I start working! You can make poach eggs, warm up your ham and steam eggs! Just nice for making sandwiches! The cooking eggs function attracts me a lot! 

What am I doing here? Advertising these products in the middle of the night like they paid me to do so @@ Anyways, just sharing and I love food :P 
Till next time, ciao~

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